Robert Casati
Zoning Board of Appeals
Robert Casati is a current member of the Zoning Board of Appeals and is a candidate for reelection. Robert is a 19-year Portland resident and a retired Captain in the Hartford Police Department, having served for 33 years.
He's a former member Portland Friends of the Library and a member of the Board of Directors, ROOT Center for Advanced Recovery (a trade name for the Hartford Dispensary) since 1990. He is married to Rose.
As a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Robert wants to continue to fulfill his responsibilities to the Board by investigating every application that is received. He will personally visit every location in question and speak to the applicant and any neighbor that this application could effect in order to make a fair and unbiased decision.
Robert thanks everyone who has voted for and supported him in the past and asks for your continued support. Please join us by supporting Robert with your vote on November 2nd!